

For Blogger bloggers looking to enhance the search engine optimization of their blogs, adding a Blogger Blog and Blogger Sitemap (also known as Blogspot Sitemap) to Bing Webmaster Tools is a valuable step. While Bing receives a smaller share of search engine traffic compared to Google and Yahoo, it's still worthwhile to submit your Blogger sitemap and blog to Bing. By doing so, you gain insights into how your site is crawled and the keywords used by visitors to access your blog pages.


How to Add Your Blogger Blog to Bing Webmaster Tools:


Follow these simple steps to add your Blogger Blog (Blogspot Blog) to Bing Webmaster Tools:


1. Access Bing Webmaster Tools:

   Create an account or log in to Bing at MSN. If you already have a Hotmail account, you'll already have access to Bing Webmaster Tools.


2. Visit the Bing Webmasters Tools Page:

   Navigate to the Bing Webmasters Tools page. Here, you'll begin the process of integrating your Blogger Blog with Bing Webmaster Tools. This action will provide you with valuable data and insights that can help improve the visibility and performance of your blog in Bing's search results.


By following these steps, you'll take a meaningful step towards optimizing your Blogger blog for better search engine performance, even on platforms like Bing, which can still bring valuable traffic and insights to your blog.

Installation of Skylight Optional:


It's important to note that the installation of Skylight is entirely at your discretion. Silverlight, developed by Microsoft, serves as a competitor to Adobe Flash. Feel free to give it a try if you're interested, as it can introduce some additional functionality. However, for the specific objectives of this Blogger tutorial, Skylight is not a requirement.


3. Adding Your Blogger Blog to Bing Webmaster Tools:


   - To get started, head to the Bing Webmaster home page.

   - Look for the "Add Site" option and click on it. This action initiates the process of integrating your Blogger blog into Bing Webmaster Tools.


4. Entering Your Blogger Blog's URL:


   - In the provided field, enter the URL address of your Blogger blog. This step is essential for Bing Webmaster Tools to identify and connect with your blog.


Remember, while you have the choice to explore additional tools such as Skylight, the core steps for adding your Blogger Blog to Bing Webmaster Tools are straightforward and fundamental in enhancing your blog's visibility and performance in search results.

5. Submit Your Blog:


   - Click on the "Submit" button. This action will finalize the process of adding your Blogger blog to Bing Webmaster Tools.


Upon successful submission, your blog will be listed among the added sites within your Bing Webmaster account. This allows you to access valuable insights and data to optimize the performance and visibility of your blog in Bing's search results.

6. Click the Verify Site link at the right of your blog

7. Choose Option 2 - Add meta tag to your default webpage

Certainly, here's the rephrased content for the next steps in your blog post:


8. Access Your Blogger Account:


   - If you're not already logged into your Blogger account, log in using a different browser window.


9. Insert the Code:


   - From the Blogger Dashboard, go to "Design" > "Edit HTML."

   - Paste the provided code below the `<head>` tag and before `<b:skin>`. It's important to place this code as early as possible for it to work effectively.


   For the new generation of default Blogger templates, it's recommended to position the code just below these two lines:




   <meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>



   For earlier generations of default Blog templates and custom templates, it's advisable to place the Bing Webmaster meta tag after these lines:




   <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>



   - After inserting the code, click on "Save Template."


10. Return to Bing Webmaster:


   - Go back to the Bing Webmaster interface and click on the "Verify" button. This step is crucial to complete the integration.


If the verification process is successful, your Blogger blog will be added to the list of sites on Bing Webmaster. Please be aware that the information about your blog may initially show as "not available" because it can take at least 48 hours to activate fully.


How to Add a Blogger Sitemap (Blogspot Sitemap) to Bing Webmaster:


   - Sign in to Bing Webmaster if you're not already signed in.

   - Click on your Blogger blog from the list of sites.

   - Access the "Crawl" tab from the top menu.

   - Click on "Sitemaps" from the menu on the left-hand side.


Following these steps will ensure that your Blogger blog is integrated with Bing Webmaster Tools and that your sitemap is available for search engine optimization purposes.

5. Add Sitemap to Bing Webmaster:


An "Add Sitemap" dialog box will appear. Enter the URL of the default posts feed of your Blogger blog. The URL should look something like:










Replace "yourblogname" with the actual name of your blog.


6. Submit the Sitemap:


After entering the correct details for your sitemap, click on the "Submit" button.


7. Verify the Sitemap:


If you've entered the sitemap information correctly, you should now see a success screen indicating that your sitemap has been successfully added to Bing Webmaster. This step ensures that Bing's search engine can effectively crawl and index your Blogger blog for better search engine optimization.


By completing these steps, you're taking a significant step toward enhancing your blog's performance and visibility in Bing's search results.

In this Blogger tutorial, I've guided you through the process of submitting your Blogger blog (Blogspot blog) to Bing Webmaster Tools (MSN). Additionally, I've demonstrated how to integrate a Blogger sitemap with Bing Webmaster Tools by utilizing the default Blogger posts feed.


By following these steps, you've equipped your blog with the tools it needs to enhance its performance and visibility in Bing's search results. This proactive approach to search engine optimization can help your blog reach a broader audience and gain valuable insights into its online presence.