

This article is specifically for Blogger (Blogspot) bloggers who encounter errors when attempting to save or publish their posts, often receiving a message like: "An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again. Ignore warning."


If you're facing this issue, one of the initial troubleshooting steps is to clear cache, cookies, and active logins and restart your browser. Here's how to do it:


How to Clear Cache, Cookies, and Active Logins:


If you're not sure how to clear cache, cookies, and active logins, follow these steps:


1. Download the free and latest version of Ccleaner and install it.

2. After installation, open Ccleaner and click on "run cleaner." Remember to close all open browsers before running Ccleaner.


Alternative Solution:


If the above steps don't resolve the issue, you can try using a different web browser. If this resolves the problem, it indicates that your computer, Internet service, or the browser you were using might be the primary cause of the error.


Other Possible Reasons for Blogger Errors:


Aside from cache and browser issues, there are other factors that might trigger errors when saving or publishing posts on Blogger:


1. Slow Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable and reasonably fast internet connection (a minimum of 50kb of speed is recommended) before posting. A slow or unstable connection can lead to issues in saving posts.


2. Excessive Length of Posts: While it's essential to provide valuable content, extremely long articles can pose problems. Aim to keep your posts within a reasonable length, and don't exceed 1000 words per post.


3. Excessive Use of Headings: Overusing headings, subheadings, or minor headings in a single post can cause problems. It's best to maintain a structured and logical hierarchy of headings.


4. Overuse of Bold or Italics: Excessive use of bold or italicized text can impact how search engine robots interpret your post. Use these formatting options judiciously.


In conclusion, if you take care to address these points, you're less likely to encounter the same error message when using Blogger. It's essential to maintain a balance between rich content and adherence to Blogger's guidelines. If you have discovered other solutions or insights, please share them in the comments to help fellow bloggers resolve similar issues.