

As a blogger, you're well aware that success hinges on attracting traffic and converting that traffic into revenue. The traffic derived from search engines is known as organic traffic. If you find that your blog isn't receiving the traffic it deserves, you need to employ some on-page SEO strategies. On-page SEO is crucial for increasing your blog's visibility and attracting more visitors from search engines. Here, we'll delve into a few simple but effective on-page SEO techniques you can implement in just a few minutes.




FIRST: Thoroughly Plan Your Post


Imagine you're about to write a post titled "Democracy is Alive." To optimize this post, follow these steps:


1. Carefully select your keywords.

2. Craft a title that prominently features the main keywords.

3. Additionally, pick a related keyword relevant to your niche – in this case, "democracy."


SECOND: Craft a Keyword-Rich Title and Description


Before you begin writing your blog post, create a title and description rich in keywords for every article. This on-page SEO technique will improve the discoverability of your content.


THIRD: Mind Your Keyword Density


Here's how to manage your keyword density:


- Ensure your main keywords don't exceed 3% of the total article length.

- Provide a parent keyword for your main keyword.


To maintain this balance, use your main keyword in the opening paragraph, three times in the body, and once more in the conclusion.


FOURTH: Highlight Your Keywords


Highlighting keywords in your content helps search engines recognize the focus of your article. Consider making keywords bold or italicized to enhance their visibility.


FIFTH: Interlink within the Same Category


Interlinking is another critical element of on-page SEO. Whenever you publish a new post, ensure you link it to related articles within the same category, using relevant keywords.


SIXTH: Include External Links


Before publishing your article, include at least one external link. Use a "nofollow" tag with external links, as this signals to search engines to disregard the link.


SEVENTH: Write Descriptions for Images


In platforms like Blogger, image descriptions might not be readily available. However, providing descriptions for images can boost your blog's SEO. Simply write "alt=DESCRIPTION" in the image tag to optimize image descriptions.


By dedicating a few minutes to these on-page SEO techniques, you can significantly enhance the visibility and performance of your blog in search engine results. Every little bit counts when it comes to attracting organic traffic, and these strategies will help your content stand out.